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  • Aaron Hoffman

DeliverThat Driver Appearance

DeliverThat has been succeeding with our partners since the company’s inception. A huge contributing factor is our driver’s appearance. Dressing in a polo or collared shirt, nice slacks and clean shoes encourages each driver to represent DeliverThat in a positive light. Our driver’s appearance also ensures the restaurants are aware of who our drivers are upon entering their establishment. Company branding shows our partners where we come from, a confident, professional and capable company of handling their business.

The driver's appearance not only helps the company but the drivers themselves. Dressing to impress will help you, as the driver, feel great about yourself. You look great, you feel great! Approaching each delivery with a confident attitude shows the partners and customers you are prepared and capable of performing the delivery. This can lead to additional gratuity opportunities.

Our restaurant partners hold DeliverThat Drivers to the highest standard. Impress them with your appearance! The professional dress can encourage our partners to send over more deliveries, which in turn, means more opportunities and money for DeliverThat’s Drivers. Let’s take those opportunities as they come and turn them into more!

Brand our image! Be our image! Be DeliverThat.

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